Family History

Photograph dated 1904 shows William Blunt as a member of the Territorial Army, the Cameronians, based at Hamilton. 

Photograph dated 1904 shows William Blunt as a member of the Territorial Army, the Cameronians, based at Hamilton.



In July/August 1914 the World was thrown into a conflict which was to last 4 years. 

There are many stories about the brave men who fought and died for their Country.  They were our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers and sons.  They were our family.

This is one man's story. 

This is an extract from a Project about WILLIAM BLUNT.


William BLUNT was born 18 March 1869 in Hamilton, son of Alexander BLUNT and Jane HAMILTON.

Sometime before January 1904 William enrolled in the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, The Cameronians,  6th Scottish Rifles, and on13 April 1908 following the reorganisation of the militia joined the Territorial Force. The record of his Attestation states that he is at the time aged 39 years and 1 month and employed as a Printer for the Hamilton Advertiser living at 14 Woodside Walk, Hamilton.

The Territorial Force was mobilised in August 1914 and William, now aged 45 must have volunteered for overseas service as he was part of the 1/6th Scottish Rifles which landed in Le Havre on 21 March 1915.  By 2 June 1915 the 1/6th Scottish Rifles had been transferred to the 51st (Highland) Division which fought at Festubert and Givenchy.   By the end of the year the 1/6th Scottish Rifles were sent back to base due to heavy losses where by the beginning of 1916 they were training as Pioneers assisting in construction and repair.  In February of 1916 the 1/6th Scottish rifles were attached to 100th Brigade, 33rd Division and in May 1916 were joined with the 1/5th Scottish Rifles to become 5/6thBattalion, The Cameronians, Scottish Rifles and attached to the 19th Brigade.  The 33rd Division took part in many of the major battles (see list below) and paid a heavy price with 37,404 men killed, wounded or missing.

William was one of the wounded, it is not clear what his injuries were, nor in which battle he sustained them, however, he was, in June 1917, at the British Convalescent Depot, Rue Félix-Faure, Le Havre in June 1917.  A programme for An Hour of Music, Offered to British Convalescent Soldiers by The Belgian Group of Artists of Le Havre was found in the family archives where the date of Wednesday 13th June 1917 had been scored out and an alternative date of Friday 22nd June had been handwritten in.  It is perhaps possible that William had been injured when the 33rd Division took part in the flanking operation on the Hindenburg Line which took place 20 May – 16 June 1917.

By April 1918 William’s war was over.  He married Sara Jardine PERCY at the Commercial Hotel, Hamilton and returned to his pre-war occupation as a Printer’s Linotype Operator.  William is by this time aged 49, his bride 36.  They went on to have two daughters, Agnes Ferguson BLUNT in 1919 and Jean Hamilton BLUNT in 1922.

He had attained the rank of Company Quarter Master Sergeant/Colour Sergeant and was awarded the Victory Medal, British Medal and the 15 Star in recognition of his service.

He died 1st December 1946, aged 77, at the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow and was buried with his wife at the Bent Cemetery, Hamilton.

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